Causes Ryan Pratt Supports
Even the smallest donations make a difference. Your dollar could be THE dollar that paid for THE beaker that lead to THE breakthrough!
AutismIn case you were unaware, my nephew, Danny Lindsley is autistic. He is one of the greatest kids I know. Because of him, I am an avid supporter of Autism Speaks to help find a cure for autism. Autism is the second most common developmental disorder in the United States affecting one in every 110 children born today. Despite some promising discoveries, the cause of autism is unknown and a cure does not exist. To donate please click here. Thank you for taking an important step in the fight against autism.
CancerCancer affects us all. Just a few years ago I was one of the lucky few who hadn't seen the earth-shattering effects cancer can have on people. Now, two of the closest people in my world have been diagnosed with Hairy Cell Leukemia and Squamous Cell Carcinoma. A diagnosis of cancer affects so many people. Not only those with the cells gone wrong, but family members, friends, co-workers, etc. Doing something, even the simple act of wearing an awareness ribbon, can mean so much to those who are fighting the fight of their life.
LeukemiaMy mother, Betty Jeanne Pratt, is a Hairy Cell Leukemia survivor. She is in complete remission and her most recent blood work was nearly back to normal levels. Since 1949, LLS has been dedicated to curing leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is the world's largest voluntary (nonprofit) health organization dedicated to funding blood cancer research and providing education and patient services. Their mission is to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.
OceansI've spent my entire life in, near, and around water. I've boated, kayaked, sailed, yachted, snorkeled and swam in 2 oceans, 7 rivers, 3 Great Lakes, 2 Finger Lakes, and countless other bodies of water. The Ocean Alliance relies on your generous support to continue to serve as an independent research organization and an objective, science-based “voice” for the oceans. Your donations help to: reduce pollution, prevent the collapse of marine mammal populations, maintain human access to fish and other sea life, and promote ocean and human health.
Oral CancerOne of my best friends, Trent White, recently lost a hard-fought battle with cancer. He was 28 years old. Eight months earlier, in November of 2011, Trent was diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oral Tongue. He didn't smoke, chew tobacco, or have any known reason to have this disease. Oral cancer has existed outside the awareness of much of the public, yet it will take one life, every hour of every day in the U.S. To donate to the Oral Cancer Foundation please click here. Thank you for joining us in the fight to end oral cancer.